Sports massage

Sports massage Therapist

Sports massage therapist Sports Massage is a much in demand application of massage especially for sports people.Massage Therapists considering in the sports


Massage Therapy in the Sports massage Industry

Sports Massage is an ever-changing and much in demand application of massage and this special CPE Event will introduce you to three presenters who have worked or experienced Massage in the elite sports Industry. This is an excellent introduction to working with elite athletes and must-see for sport massage therapists to work at this level and the required knowledge.

Massage with Medicine” is the theme for the 2015 Annual National Conference, 9-10 May 2015, so join us to experience Australia’s peak massage industry event as well as enjoying sunny Perth. View the program online and book now! Download the  conferences program and  program kit.

Medibank update

Medibank have advised that they are continuing to experience system difficulties with the issuing of provider numbers to new applicants. Medibank have indicated they understand this unexpected issue has caused frustration for our members and anticipate that it will be resolved by the end of February. Medibank have requested AAMT communicated the following three key items to our members:

  • Please advise providers that once the system is fixed we will issue their provider number with an effective date from when we received the file.
  • Please encourage providers not to follow up with Medibank’s help desk once they have contacted you. This only leads to further frustration as our help desk are unable to offer any additional information than what we have already provided you. It should also be noted that the help desk cannot issue provider numbers over the phone.
  • Closures and additional locations will continue to be processed as normal.

Medibank will advise AAMT when the issue has been resolved. Massage Therapists considering working in the sports industry.

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