Medibank Update

Medibank Update

Medibank UpdateAAMT met with Medibank management during May.  Medibank have requested that members do not call Medibank.  Medibank Customer Service Operators will request members to go to their Association for advice/answers to their queries.  AAMT continues to work through the backlog of data, with the focus now on new members and whether the Registered Training Organisation meets the new Medibank education criteria. Please note:
  • AAMT cannot fast track any new members or address updates with Medibank. AAMT uploads details to Medibank during the first week of the month.  AAMT will not upload any data outside that date.
  • Data AAMT provides will be deemed as current. If you are a member of another Association and have different addresses registered, they will be made inactive if they do not match the data in AAMT records;
  • Medibank will be conducting audits from their end, that is, they are looking at the number of claims made against individual IPNs.

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